Canon EOS 6D – A menu-oriented how-to guide for a feature-rich DSLR camera – #photography #bookreview

Canon EOS 6D The Guide to Understanding and Using Your Camera James Johnson (Rocky Nook – paperback, Kindle) This definitely is not another “how to take great digital photographs” guide. Yet, you will be able to take better pictures if you pay attention to the author’s explanations, recommendations and experiences in this 263-page how-to manual. … Continue reading Canon EOS 6D – A menu-oriented how-to guide for a feature-rich DSLR camera – #photography #bookreview

Software Requirements, Third Edition – A major, long-needed update of a classic book – #software #business #bookreview

Software Requirements, Third Edition Karl Wiegers and Joy Beatty (Microsoft Press – paperback, Kindle) A lot changes in 10 years, particularly in the world of software development. The previous edition of this book appeared in 2003, and I never knew about it while I struggled over software requirements documents and user manuals as a technical … Continue reading Software Requirements, Third Edition – A major, long-needed update of a classic book – #software #business #bookreview

OpenGL ES 2 for Android – A fine quick-start guide for new developers – #android #programming #bookreview

OpenGL ES 2 for Android A Quick-Start Guide Kevin Brothaler (Pragmatic Bookshelf – paperback) Yes, the timing might seem a bit strange, releasing an OpenGL ES 2 book in early July, 2013, barely a month before the August release of OpenGL ES 3. However, OpenGL ES 3 is backward-compatible with OpenGL ES 2. And the … Continue reading OpenGL ES 2 for Android – A fine quick-start guide for new developers – #android #programming #bookreview