‘See Also Deception’: A good addition to the Marjorie Trumaine mystery series #bookreview

See Also Deception Larry D. Sweazy Seventh Street Books As I have mentioned here before, I love mystery stories where the investigator is an ordinary citizen, not a well-trained police detective or a struggling private sleuth beaten down by drunkenness, personal demons, and too many bad cases. The investigator in See Also Deception, the second novel … Continue reading ‘See Also Deception’: A good addition to the Marjorie Trumaine mystery series #bookreview

Java Testing with Spock: A good (and sometimes Groovy) guide to using this powerful testing framework – #programming #java

Java Testing with Spock Konstantinos Kapelonis Manning, paperback   Spock, the author states, is “a comprehensive testing framework for Java (and Groovy) code that can help you automate the boring, repetitive, and manual process of testing a software application. Spock is comprehensive because it’s a union of existing testing libraries”—specifically JUnit, Mockito and JBehave. It … Continue reading Java Testing with Spock: A good (and sometimes Groovy) guide to using this powerful testing framework – #programming #java

Manning’s ‘MongoDB in Action’ has been updated for version 3.0 – #programming #bookreview

MongoDB in Action, Second Edition Covers MongoDB version 3.0 Kyle Banker Manning, paperback Yes, this updated edition of MongoDB in Action is aimed at software developers. However, the book wisely does not ignore those of us who are more casual users of MongoDB. Indeed, this is a fine how-to book for MongoDB newcomers and casual … Continue reading Manning’s ‘MongoDB in Action’ has been updated for version 3.0 – #programming #bookreview