Practical Computer Vision with SimpleCV – ‘Seeing’ with Python – #programming #bookreview

Practical Computer Vision with SimpleCV Kurt Demaagd, Anthony Oliver, Nathan Oostendorp, and Katherine Scott (O’Reilly, paperback – Kindle) SimpleCV, or Simple Computer Vision, is “an easy-to-use Python framework that bundles together open source computer vision libraries and algorithms for solving problems,” according to the authors of this useful and informative how-to book. The subtitle is “Making … Continue reading Practical Computer Vision with SimpleCV – ‘Seeing’ with Python – #programming #bookreview

Programming Computer Vision with Python – A good introduction to tools & algorithms for analyzing images – #bookreview

Programming Computer Vision with Python Jan Erik Solem (O’Reilly, paperback – Kindle) “Computer vision,” Jan Erik Solem states in his new book, “is the automated extraction of information from images.” That information, he adds, “can mean anything from 3D models, camera positions, object detection and recognition to grouping and searching image content.” His text takes “a … Continue reading Programming Computer Vision with Python – A good introduction to tools & algorithms for analyzing images – #bookreview