Lean Analytics and Lean UX – Two new guides to better business and user experiences – #bookreview

Okay, how are we leaning today? Leaning in? Leaning back? Leaning to the left or right? Leaning over? Or just leaning toward chucking all “hot new” postures that supposedly help us pose ourselves for career success? Here’s some good news. None of the above leanings are topics in two new books from O’Reilly’s popular “Lean” … Continue reading Lean Analytics and Lean UX – Two new guides to better business and user experiences – #bookreview

Running Lean: Iterate from Plan A to a Plan That Works – A smart business startup guide – #bookreview

Running Lean: Iterate from Plan A to a Plan That Works By Ash Maurya (O’Reilly, hardback, list price $24.99; Kindle edition, list price $19.99) Starting a business soon? Still sketching one out on cocktail napkins but getting ready to approach potential partners and staff? Don’t launch without spending some well-focused time with the second edition … Continue reading Running Lean: Iterate from Plan A to a Plan That Works – A smart business startup guide – #bookreview