Jump Start Sinatra – With this book and a little Ruby, you can make Sinatra sing – #programming #bookreview

Jump Start Sinatra Get Up to Speed with Sinatra in a Weekend Darren Jones (SitePoint – Kindle, Paperback) Many Ruby developers love Rails for its power and capabilities as a model-view-controller (MVC) framework. But some of them don’t like Rails’ size, complexity, and learning curve. Meanwhile, many other Rubyists love Sinatra for its simplicity and … Continue reading Jump Start Sinatra – With this book and a little Ruby, you can make Sinatra sing – #programming #bookreview

Deploying Rails – A good how-to guide covering choices, tools & best practices – #programming #bookreview

Deploying Rails: Automate, Deploy, Scale, Maintain, and Sleep at Night Anthony Burns and Tom Copeland (Pragmatic Bookshelf, paperback) Maybe you have been studying Ruby and Rails and now feel ready for the next big step. Perhaps you are already on a job where a Rails application needs to be deployed and running on a server … Continue reading Deploying Rails – A good how-to guide covering choices, tools & best practices – #programming #bookreview

Learning Rails 3 – It’s not easy, but this good how-to guide definitely can help – #bookreview

Learning Rails 3 Simon St.Laurent, Edd Dumbill, and Eric J. Gruber (O’Reilly, paperback – Kindle) Ruby on Rails frequently is hailed as an “outstanding” or “powerful” or “amazing” tool for creating web applications. But beginners often dive into it, quickly go off the rails, and give up in frustration. “Building a Ruby on Rails application requires … Continue reading Learning Rails 3 – It’s not easy, but this good how-to guide definitely can help – #bookreview